This Means Nothing – Le Bijoutier (2007)
For years, French photographer Le Bijoutier has roamed the five boroughs of New York City, documenting street art as it has developed over the past decade. Unlike graffiti writers, whose bombing campaigns mark them in the public eye as vandals, the work of street artists is celebrated as progressive. Many make their name first on the streets before hitting the gallery world. But before they move on, Le Bijoutier has caught them in all their illegal glory. In This Means Nothing, his first book, Le Bijoutier chronicles these works in sticker, chalk, marker, stencil, wheat paste poster, painting, and even sculpture, revealing a new direction in public destruction for the sake of aesthetic construction. The war continues…
Item is in good condition. Minor damage, such as scratches, wear marks. May have been stored in a smoking area.

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