Tattoo Darling – The Art of Angelique Houtkamp (2007)
Angelique Houtkamp is the inspirational Dutch tattoo mademoiselle of the contemporary art world. This fascinating monograph happily traverses her nostalgic, eclectic and beautifully rendered artistic wonderland with a strong focus on her fine art practice. Classic old school tattoo imagery mixes with mythological dreams, anthropomorphised creatures, nautical iconography, and haunting Hollywood romance, by way of Houtkamp’s distinctive painterly magic and eye for style. Watercolors and more recent oils glow from these pages. A true celebration of Houtkamp’s vision, charms, and talents as a tattoo artist, painter, collector, and personality. Wonderful new art, inspiration galore, and swoon-worthy photos of Houtkamp at work. Includes essays and commentary by Liz McGrath, Sunny Buick, Cindy Hoetner, Gemma Jones, and more. Slim, softbound, color.
Item is in good condition. Minor damage, such as scratches, wear marks. May have been stored in a smoking area.
Language: English

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