SuicideGirls – Beauty Redefined (2008)
Suicide Girls – Beauty Redefined explores the Suicide Girl phenomenon from their start in 2001 to their websites one million unique weekly visitors today. This giant tome provides a timely look at the fascinating women who created and inhabit the SG community. With an introduction by SG founder, Missy Suicide and images of hundreds of SuicideGirls world-wide, this title shines a light on a new female aesthetic – a look reminiscent of vintage Betty Page and Bunny Yeager photos, but with a decisively 21st century edge. “There’s no other place in the media to see girls (like these) who are tremendously smart and beautiful in their own way” says Missy, “Everywhere you look you just see the super-thin, super-tall, bleach blonde Baywatch babe. There are a lot of people out there who want to see a different kind of beauty.”
Item is in good condition. Minor damage, such as scratches, wear marks. May have been stored in a smoking area.
Language: English

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