American Graffiti – Margo Thompson (2009)
Since the early 1970s, graffiti artists have decorated the exterior of metro trains with ever larger and ever more elaborate tags. In the primitivist schema, graffiti artists, as artists on the margins, offered new perspectives to American society. They held up a mirror to hegemonic culture. References to media or cultural elements that artists integrate into their creations are of particular importance, because they represent a point of contact between cultures and make this “subculture” more accessible to its new audience. This resolutely rebellious form of expression is analyzed here by Margo Thompson who connects the art of graffiti with contemporary art. Just as graffiti artists brought a voice to an under-represented ethnic class, the author, thanks to an original thesis, tends to serve as an ambassador for this often overlooked art form.
Item is in good condition. Minor damage, such as scratches, wear marks. May have been stored in a smoking area.

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